When And Why You Need Dental Extractions?

dentists performing dental extraction surgery

Dental extractions are part of maintaining your dental health and in some cases even your overall health. When a part of your body suffers from a health issue, your whole body suffers. Therefore do not take the question of your dental health lightly.

As if it was just yesterday, I can hear my mother telling me to brush my teeth before going to bed, when I woke up, after eating and so on. Why do I have to go through all that? I mean, I brushed my teeth when I woke up this morning. Why do I have to brush it again after eating? Back then, I always found a way to skip it. I guess as kids we just did not understand the reasons. Now I wish I had listened and done according to what she was telling me. Maybe, just maybe I would not be having such dental complications as I am having now.

If you are contemplating whether you should remove your aching tooth or not, I believe that you can find enough information here that will probably help you to decide. The decision to have your teeth pulled out or not is completely yours.

My First Tooth Ache

I experienced a real tooth ache at the age of 11. The pain was so terrible that I was ready to do anything just to get it off. I even thought of getting hold of a pair of pliers and pull it out myself but I didn’t have that courage.

What Situations Prompt Tooth Extraction

You have been hearing about dental extractions but what will make you want to have your teeth pulled out in the first place? Well, here are just a few reasons.

Impacted Teeth

Sometimes, for some reasons one of your teeth may not come out as expected. It may be blocked from emerging or it may partially grow. In a way it does not completely break through the gum. This is what is called an impacted tooth. Sometimes, these impacted teeth do not give you any trouble and in such cases can be detected with x-ray. When your gum becomes swollen and/or bleeding, you find it difficult to open your mouth and you feel considerable pain when you chew, then it is time to see a dentist in order to determine whether you have any impacted teeth that have not been discovered. In such cases, the dentist decides whether a dental extraction procedure is necessary. This case is very common with wisdom teeth growth.

Overcrowded Teeth

jagged overcrowded teeth
Overcrowded teeth occur when there are just too many teeth packed together in one place. It is when the there is a disharmony in the arrangements of the teeth. You see irregular shapes, jagged structures etc. Simply it is not a nice picture to see. Overcrowded teeth can be cause by a number of factors such as injury to the jaw or some irregular tooth growth. In some mild cases, using braces may be a very good solution. On the contrary, a surgery to pull out the bad teeth may be an option to consider.

Other situations that may warrant dental extractions include but not limited to dental injuries as a result of an accident or something that may have caused damage to the tooth, dental infections, if a tooth is dislodged and various diseases of the gum.

Procedures For Dental Extraction

Once the dentist has established that you need to get rid of the “offending teeth” the next thing is to determine the kind of procedure that follows. This depends on the severity of the situation. You have either the simple or the complicated methods of tooth extractions.

Simple Method Of Dental Extraction

This is the most common method used as far as any tooth removal is concerned. It does not require any particular expertise as opposed to surgical procedures. The dentist simply grabs the bad tooth with one of those terrifying looking dental extraction tools and with some exertion of a bit of force, loosens the tooth from its root and voila! It is out! Before that though, the part of the mouth will have to be made numb by local anesthesia.

dental extraction tools
A tooth is attached to the jaw bone by a fibrous connective tissue known as periodontal ligament. The dentist or the oral surgeon simply has to detach this ligament from the tooth and to dislodge the tooth from the root. This is done by rocking the tooth from side to side and pull.

Usually, the procedure of standard tooth extraction should not take long. As we have said earlier, you will have to go through local anesthesia. The part of your mouth near the tooth which has to be taken is injected with a numbing medication. After waiting a couple of minutes, the dentist proceeds to extract the tooth. Remember, you are not gonna feel anything. Once the tooth is out, the dentist places gauze on the open wound in your mouth and you bite on it. This is to prevent excessive bleeding.

Complex Method To Pull Off A Tooth

Every now and then, there are teeth that are just too difficult to pull out. They may be decayed, broken or buried solidly into the bone of the jaw or for some other reasons. There is just no way for the dentist to use those dental removal instruments. The teeth cannot be grabbed above the gum line. So the standard method is out of the question. Under these circumstances, a complex method becomes the only feasible option available. This is a common method for removing impacted wisdom teeth.

The procedure starts with the surgeon making an incision in the gum which surrounds the tooth in order to expose the remaining part of the tooth. If he can do that, then he proceeds with the pulling method. On the contrary, he will have to begin cutting the tooth bit by bit with dental drill. This happens if the tooth is decayed or deeply impacted.


As always, I will advise you to always consult a very qualified dentist if you are having any dental concern whatsoever. Getting an expert opinion will do you a lot of good. It is not uncommon for surgical or any other medical intervention to go wrong simply because of a little mistake. Every of your concern with dental extractions should be referred to an expert in that field.

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